Ube Material Industries,Ltd.

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Contact us

We appreciate for you to access our web site very much.
If you have any inquiry / comments regarding our products, service, etc, please kindly fill them in the form below and then click “Confirm” button.
  • Please be sure to fill the required information in the fields marked with "*".
  • We will protect privacy by handling your privacy policy and your inquiry with utmost care.

Contact Mail Form is here. Inquiry of products

Contact:High-purity and ultra fine magnesia
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Department and Section:
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*Details of Inquiry / Comments :
Please review the following information before you contact us.  *Required

Personal information that you supply through this Web site will only be used to respond to your inquiries or to contact you. It will only be used for the purposes that are specified when you supply us with the information.

For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy. Inquiries we receive will be handled in an expedient manner. However, we cannot assure that you will receive a response by the date your request or if you request an urgent reply.

UBE Material Industries, LTD. (hereafter “UMT”)has the right to withhold a response to inquiries that fit the following description:

  • Sales solicitation, slander or libel, requests to complete questionnaires and surveys, and solicitation of funds.
  • Feedback and requests regarding UMT.
  • Inquiries concerning matters not directly related to UMT.

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